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In the news

phpBB releases phpBB 2.0.8

phpBB 2.0.8 has been released, with a number of security fixes:

phpBB Group are pleased to announce the release of phpBB 2.0.8. This release had been made to fix a number of critical security related issues. Work continues on 2.2.0 and again we do not plan on further releases of 2.0.x except where critical issues arise.

Get your copy now!

The vulnerability mentioned in this announcement has been fixed in the downloads from the link above (phpBB 2.0.8a).
Posted by: Daniel, 20 years, 4 months ago

Google gets a new design

ArsTechnica posted about Google's new design earlier this month, now it's available for everyone: Google's new design. After years of the same design, they have finally switched to a new (arguably) "fresher" design.

I would tend to say it's a nice change, other than the fact that they've removed the Google Directory from the options at the top of the page, but you may disagree. Also they've made the ads less prominent Razz. What do you think? Smile
Posted by: Daniel, 20 years, 4 months ago

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